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Another round of color

Out Now's second mural celebrates pride and resistance.

The mural features two of or own community members. They are beautiful!

Muralist Mimi Ditkoff joined us again to help bring our ideas to larger-than-life.
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Waiting for the world in the warehouse
Our paint party!

Friends and family gathered with us to dip their brushes

all the true colors


And then, the reveal 
on a perfect day for admiring the mural up close, in a sky bucket

Yes, a sky bucket!
At Out Now, we resist hate through our voices, through our art, through our collective joy
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Which is why we doubled the fun and celebrated
at our mural reveal party!

*Official Gay Holiday

Get in on the fun and find community, support, and friends!
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Thank you to everyone who joined us, to our funders who helped make this happen, and to Common Wealth Murals. We love you!       

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